Photo Edition: Makassarese Kids

These are some photos of Makassarese Kids which I took on my trip to Makassar:

The Next Chris John

I met them on Pulau Lae Lae. They’re such a nice boy, whom you come to with your camera and they’ll say ‘Liat sini! Liat sini!’ (translation: Look here! Look here!)

In my opinion, this photo -this boy- is trying to tell you to do what you can do, and don’t be shy to show it to others.

Makassarese Cristiano Ronaldo

This is my favorite. I met this quiet boy on Masjid Al Markaz, he was playing kite. When I ask him if I can take photo of him, he just quiet, and after I am done and I said thanks, he smiled at me 🙂

In my opinion, these photos are telling you indirectly to keep your dream high (as the kite), run for your dream (how he run to make it high), be who you want to be (the c. Ronaldo shirt), and always bring your pride as an Indonesian! (the red-white kite)

Well, I’m just an amateur photographer. I captured this with Nikon D90, and 15-24mm Tokina Lens. These are unedited. Photoshop and I never match.

A Travel to The Feet of Celebes

The title of this blog is inspired by a photo album which was uploaded by my brother to facebook.

Just after I finished my national exam, I went to Makassar for a……break, with my family. It was a long weekend, April 22th to April 24th. In short, this trip was awesome.

I caught an early morning flight on Friday, but the flight was delayed caused by a technical problem (typical?). So I arrived in Makassar at 10.00 WITA. These are the places I…explored in Makassar

Benteng Penyua

This place is more famous as Fort Rotterdam. But the original name of this place was Benteng Penyua. It changed name to Benteng Ujung Pandang before finally Fort Rotterdam after the Bongaya Covenant. The Dutch took over this fort, and it became the central of the Dutch colonial power before the Independence.


There’s a cave and a waterfall in Bantimurung, which is famous for it’s butterfly diversity. However, I only saw one.


Museum Balla Lompoa

Here’s a fort that was once the seat of the sultan of Gowa. There’s 2 building on the Benteng Sungguminasa area, The Museum Balla Lompoa and Istana Tamalate. However, the second one was locked, and there was a signpost which said there’s a dental expert (sort of a traditional dentist) who practiced there.


Makam Pangeran Diponegoro
Ayam Jantan dari Timur

I visited Makam Pangeran Diponegoro and Makam Sultan Hasanudin. They’re both a great fighter who struggled a lot for the independence of Indonesia.

Paotere Harbour


I learned a lot about Makassar community life here. I met some people who was preparing to sail to an island which was 13 hour voyage from Makassar using a modern phinisi boat (with machine), and people do live there. Now I understand why Bugis, the original tribe in South Sulawesi, was known as an accomplished sailor.

Pulau Lae Lae

A view from Pulau Lae Lae

This island is 10 minutes from Makassar. Populated by + 400 family.

Trans Studio

A sight of Trans Studio

Trans Studio is claimed as the third largest indoor amusement park in the world, first in Indonesia. Even the extreme rides aren’t really extreme, this amusement park have some great studio, which makes me proud because it’s Indonesian.


Let the photos tell you how delicious are they.😛

Konro Bakar
Es Pisang Ijo

Overall, I think Makassar is a great travel destination, but Indonesian government should improve the cultural heritage maintenance, the transportation facilities, and also the urban planning! Well, these are not only problems in Makassar, but also in every province in Indonesia, which has tourism potential. But in my opinion, all of 33 provinces in Indonesia have it!